Order Mussels & Meet the Truck

Pick-up fresh mussels on our Northland Collection route

Order placed

Thank you for your order, we have sent you an order confirmation (remember to check your spam) and will contact you if we require anything else.


Order ID: {entry_id}

Name: {Name (First):26.3} {Name (Last):26.6}
Email: {Email:11}
Phone: {Phone number:9}
Billing Address:
{Billing Address (Street Address):25.1}, {Billing Address (Address Line 2):25.2}
{Billing Address (City):25.3}, {Billing Address (State / Province):25.4} {Billing Address (ZIP / Postal Code):25.5}
Pickup Location: {Select Pickup Location:45}
Pickup Date: {Select Pick-Up Date:46}
Product Qty Unit Price Price
{Fresh Mussels | Kutai – 20kg Sack (Name):59.1} {Quantity:60} {Fresh Mussels | Kutai – 20kg Sack (Price):59.2} {Total:37}
    Total {Total:37}

Can’t meet the truck? We can deliver to you!


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